Friday, September 21, 2018

My 5th Year

I just started my 5th year of teaching.... I knew it would go fast, everyone says it will go fast, but that really is an under-statement people! Slow down when you can! I learned many lessons, made many friends, and even fought some hate. I grew up quite a bit....

I always fought growing up though. I don't think it helps my students to become a stodgy "old" person. You lose touch with them, but I had to toughen up. I had to come to terms with my limits and others' too. I have an advocate heart, and it's very hard not to stand up to the injustices of the world."Choose your battles wisely" is an established mantra now. I think all teachers establish this eventually. You have to, to preserve your own sanity, lol.

"Kids first" may be old and cliche, but it's completely right. Every decision made, the question should be asked, "is this good for the kids?" If the answer is not a resounding "Yes!" then move on. There is NO time to waste.

The kids have been amazing! I dabbled briefly in going Secondary education, but through the journey, I realized that I am, at least currently, Very much an Elementary art teacher.  I love the magic that comes with it. You get to be a rockstar, magician, puppeteer, ninja, anything you want, and the kids LOVE it!

To all the new teachers out there just starting your first year, embrace, slow down, and know the 5th year is Just around the corner. Peace and love to you all, and ENJOY those kids! You're helping build the future, ya know 😉

Kids first; everything else will fall into place.

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