Thursday, September 29, 2016

Choice-based Art

Venturing into Choice!!!

I really need to record the massive process this has been.  As an art teacher, I have seen creativity slipping away from the classroom, replaced with cookie-cutter projects that can become so teacher directed that students lose all the wonderful learning that happens in the process.   I believe we can facilitate deep learning by guiding the student through the process, without dictating every move.

Bring on Choice-Based Art!

I remember the moment I heard the term, and all that was rattling around in my head about art education just clicked! I have spent the last couple of years establishing TAB (teaching artistic behaviors) in my classroom environment and teaching the students to "work their studio." Finding that happy balance between independence and conforming has been a challenge, a rewarding challenge, but one we still struggle with.

This year, I have decided to take the leap and go Modified-Choice with my 3-5s, with free creating stations that they can explore and let their creativity explode.  My K-2s are limited-choice while we are building foundations.  The research and planning took years. I wanted to do it right.  Every new station brings new challenges, but they are met with determination and excitement!  Students are still responsible for meeting learning objectives (targets), as am I.  A lot of this is done through our sketchbooks (journals).  So many procedures! procedure, procedure, procedure! Lol!

I plan to share more of this amazing process as we move along :)

Artfully Yours,

Mrs. Bayless

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